Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013

Advantages and Disadvantages of Reading Approach

v  Advantages of Reading Approach
There are some benefits in utilizing reading approach:
1.      Reading approach can be used in a big class.
2.      In reading approach, students can know much vocabulary because they have to read the passage.
3.      Students focus what they are studying because they only learn grammar.
4.      The reading method requires little teaching skill since the lesson-form is a standardized and fixed procedure.
5.      The reading method is economical of time since the pupils all read simultaneously.
6.      The reading method does not demand deep knowledge of the language on the part of the teacher, since the teacher does not have to compose the sentences and questions: everything is supplied in the book.
v  Disadvantages of Reading Approach
Reading approach also has limitation since there is no single teaching method that is chategorized as the best based on some consideration such as: the curriculum, students’ motivation, financial limitation, number of students, etc.
The main disadvantages of reading approach are as follow:
1.      Since reading approach is only focused on written skill, this approach is lack in speaking skill.
2.      Reading approach is oppressive approach because the vocabularies and grammar are controlled.

1 komentar:

  1. I think the author has done lot of research to write this post.
    Thank You for the wonderful post.

